Somali President “Somali people will not tolerate invasion”

Somali President “Somali people will not tolerate invasion”

LM-Mogadishu, The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who delivered a speech at the Mosque warned the Ethiopian Government to not try to set foot in Somalia to seek our sea, and if they do so Somalia ready to defend its country, he said that the Somali people will not tolerate invasion.

President Hassan Sheikh made it clear that Somalia is not invading Ethiopia, but if they do not listen to what we are saying then the people and the government are ready to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.

President Mohamud said that Ethiopia will be blamed if the old enmity between Somalia and Ethiopia was revived.

“The day they [Ethiopia] take one action step, we’ll take two, three, four….they cannot blame us, and the international community cannot blame us. They cannot say ‘why did the Somali government take this decision,’” he added.

The President urged every Somali individual to be ready to defend his/her country and show solidarity against the people who are trying to take part of our land.

President Hassan said that Somalia has two enemies which are the Al-Shabaab terrorists trying to undermine the security of the country and the Ethiopian Government which is trying to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of this nation.

“We are capable to fight the terrorists militants of the Al-Shabaab and the Ethiopian invaders together as united Somali people,” President Mohamud said.


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