Lead and Learn: Who is Mr. Abdirizak?  Puntland’s Parliament’s New Speaker

Lead and Learn: Who is Mr. Abdirizak?  Puntland’s Parliament’s New Speaker

Profiling Information: Abdirisaaq Ahmed Saeed was born in Dhahar district of Sanaag region in 1983. He completed his primary and secondary education in Dhahar and Bosaso districts. He received his higher education at universities in Uganda and Italy, with a first degree in public administration and management at the University of Uganda and a second degree in conflict resolution and peace at a university in Italy.

Politics:  Mr. Abdizak started his politics at the local level and became a department director in the local government of the Bosaaso district. He was a researcher who worked on projects with international organizations such as the World Bank and Altai Consulting based in Paris, France, and represented Puntland.

He has led more than sixty peacekeeping and election research. in 2019, he became one of the members of the Transitional Committee for the Puntland TPEC elections.

He and the Puntland elections committee he led managed to hold elections in more than thirty districts. Abdirisaaq Ahmed Said is considered a moderate person but some people believe that he is very close to the president, and he is from the Sanaag region.


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