Somalia’s president enhancing diplomatic Relations with Qatar and Egypt

Somalia’s president enhancing diplomatic Relations with Qatar and Egypt

Mogadishu, 3 January 2024-The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, spoke on the phone with the Emir of Qatar, Emir Tamim Binu Hamad, and discussed the situation in the region and the issues facing the two countries.

The two leaders discussed the bilateral relationship and the opportunities to further develop it, to strengthen the close cooperation between Somalia and Qatar. Qatar and Somalia have a relatively close relationship characterized by diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian engagements. Qatar has been a significant contributor to development assistance to Somalia. Qatar has provided financial aid, infrastructure development projects, and support for various sectors such as education, healthcare, and agriculture. Qatar’s assistance has been instrumental in rebuilding infrastructure and supporting economic development in Somalia.

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, similarily in a telephone conversation with his Egyptian counterpart, Mr. Abdul Fattah Al-Sais, discussed the situation in the region and the interests of the two brotherly nations.

The two Presidents discussed strengthening the historical cooperation between Somalia and the Republic of Egypt, noting the importance of uniting efforts to face the common challenges in the region.

Egypt and Somalia have historical connections that date back centuries. Egypt, with its rich ancient civilization, has had cultural and trade ties with various parts of Africa, including the Horn of Africa where Somalia is located. Egypt recognized Somalia as an independent nation shortly after its independence in 1960. The two countries have maintained diplomatic relations over the years, with embassies and diplomatic missions established in each other’s capitals.

All these diplomatic engagements come at a time when Ethiopia said it has signed a so-called MoU with the outgoing president of Somaliland that violates international law and international customary law. Ethiopia’s scored aggression to violate the sovereignty and independence of Somalia will unite all Somalis.

Somalia is owned by Somalis.


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